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'Does Science Need a Global Language?'

New book argues that English has become the global language of science -- and that, on balance, it's a good thing.

Quest for 'Genius Babies'?

Jason Richwine quit Heritage Foundation amid controversy over his Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. Critics are now raising questions about work by a Michigan State physicist and vice president.

Skewing Dude-ward?

Despite two generations of work by feminist literary critics, a study indicates that new books by men get disproportionate attention from reviewers. Scott McLemee reports from the literary battlefront.

Back to Methuselah

The original search for the fountain of youth didn't pan out -- but a new one is under way. Scott McLemee considers "The Longevity Seekers."

Murder, She Theorized

Serial killers have become the cultural anti-heroes of the age. Scott McLemee considers a new book that traces the back story of a morbid trend.

Crunching Literature

Machines are "reading" novels that literary historians would otherwise never get to. Scott McLemee considers the results and prospects of "Macroanalysis."

Civil Rights History

Author discusses his new book, Student Activism and Civil Rights in Mississippi.

Open Access Spreads

As the Obama administration continues to hash out its open access policy for federal research, California weighs its own for state-funded research and development.