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Overload and Collapse

A new book charts the rise of an artform so loud and harsh that "music" may not be the word for it. Scott McLemee brings the noise.

'What the Best Law Teachers Do'

Law education has been a bit beleaguered lately. A new book shows what's still right about legal education and where it needs to go.

Getting Out of the Rut

Longtime higher education scholar Robert Zemsky tries to get at what’s actually keeping higher education from making changes. His answer? A lot.

'Suing Alma Mater'

Author discusses themes of new book on the courts and higher education.

Embargoes for Dissertations?

American Historical Association wants universities to permit blocking of online access to doctoral students' work for six years, saying such rules will protect new Ph.D.s seeking to publish. Not everyone wants to be protected.

Guerrilla Ambush

We've learned to tune out the constant bombardment of advertisements. Scott McLemee looks at a new analysis of techniques for commanding consumer attention.

'College Girl'

In her new memoir, a professor recounts her experience being raped as a college student, her university's seeming indifference and what it took to help her recover.

Fall Forward

Sex! Death! Race and class and politics! Scott McLemee rounds up forthcoming university press books sure to start an argument.