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Digital Public Library of America

Making books, artwork, and historical documents of all kinds universally available for free is a great ambition. Scott McLemee thinks the job will require a little more, though.

New Model for Business Education

Editors of new volume of essays discuss their ideas about the importance to undergraduate programs of including arts and sciences disciplines in meaningful ways.

Notes from the Underground

A new book explores the subterranean connections between geology and mythology. Scott McLemee returns from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

Narrating a Tragedy

Lucinda Roy reflects on the experience of reading her book on the Virginia Tech killings out loud -- cover to cover -- for a recording.

'Making Scientists'

Authors of new book discuss ways to improve teaching and learning in the STEM fields.

Self-Fulfilling Professorial Politics

Author discusses analysis that may frustrate some on the left and on the right in his new book Why Are Professors Liberal and Why Do Conservatives Care?

'Paying for the Party'

Research featured in new book suggests that, in effort to lure full-pay students, universities have shifted their institutional priorities to the benefit of the affluent and the detriment of everyone else.

Call in the Lawyers

Edwin Mellen Press, under fire for a now-dropped lawsuit against a university and librarian, threatens more legal action after a website wrote about the case.