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Impure Plastic?

Eastman Chemical's lawsuit raises issues about academic and corporate research and conflicts of interest.

Sneak Previews

What's coming from university presses in the months ahead? Scott McLemee begins a survey of the fall and winter crop.

'What Our Stories Teach Us'

Author discusses new book on how faculty members can consider their own teaching and learning experiences to improve them.

Spam Wars

From Monty Python to your e-mailbox, it's everywhere. Scott McLemee finds its history surprisingly digestible.

University Presses and the Reagan Test

Are college and university presses better off than they were four (or six) years ago? Joseph Esposito assesses the changing environment.

Textbook Transparency and Pricing

Publishers, bookstores and professors are complying with federal provisions to make textbook pricing more transparent for students. But prices are still high.

'Mothers in Academia'

Editors discuss themes of new collection of essays on challenges faced by academic women with children.

How To Provide Open Access?

As the Obama administration works on a policy to provide free access to taxpayer-funded research, publishers and universities advance competing plans for archives -- but some scholars say a government archive is the way to go.