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Rebel or Reject?

How sexual harassment allegations against a guest speaker rocked Santa Barbara City College last semester -- and, one professor says, cost him his job.

FIRE, Aim, Ready!

A recent report from the American Council of Trustees and Alumni defends free expression on campuses for weak reasons, argues Steven Bahls.

A Limit on Paying for Controversial Speakers

For certain events, UCLA will only cover $100,000 worth of security each year for speakers outside the university, a unique spending cap so far in higher education.

Political Pressure in Nebraska

AAUP says University of Nebraska-Lincoln violated Courtney Lawton's academic freedom when it ended her teaching appointment over a high-profile political dispute on campus.

'Fired' for Free Speech?

Syracuse challenges a former adjunct instructor's assertion that he was dismissed for defending students' right to offensive speech. He hasn't taught there since 2015, the university says.

Bad Humor

When one scholar's “lame” joke in a crowded elevator was another’s offensive comment, a disciplinary society was asked to adjudicate. Now, a political scientist won't apologize.

From Austerity to Attacks on Scholars

Dana Cloud examines the neoliberal academy in the age of Trump, arguing that the recent bullying is, in fact, closely tied to other long-term attempts to minimize the critical potential of universities.

Death Threats Against a Rector and Free Speech in Germany

After incidents involving anti-immigrant speaker, university leader found his car sabotaged.