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Closing a Confucius Institute, at Congressmen's Request

After two congressmen write to Texas A&M raising concerns that the Chinese-government backed Confucius Institutes are platforms for political propaganda and espionage, Texas A&M says it will close them.

Artistic Expression or Harassment?

Two professors resign from MassArt following harassment allegations. Are art schools taking a harder line against professors in era of Me Too? Are academic and artistic freedom at risk?

Holy Cross Defends Professor Attacked as Blasphemous

Scholar's suggestion that Jesus be read as a "drag king" leads to calls for his resignation and to local bishop criticizing response of college, which cited academic freedom.

Reclaiming Their Campuses

Public colleges and universities that were forced to host white supremacists (who lacked any ties to the institution) are now looking at ways to restrict certain events, but to avoid doing so based on content.

Will Work for Safety

Cal State Northridge professor says she hasn't returned to the classroom after an online threat because the university hasn't made her feel safe.

Students Say Diversity Is More Important Than Free Speech

A new Gallup/Knight Foundation report breaks down student attitudes on the First Amendment.

Bashing Tenure as a ‘Matter of Public Concern’

Texas Tech professor who says he was retaliated against for speaking out against tenure as stifling to academic innovation may proceed to trial in his case against the institution, a state appeals court rules.

Is Gossip Grounds for Termination?

Discussions about tenure votes are considered private on most campuses, but some say Dixie State is trumping up breach of confidentiality claims against two professors to get rid of them for political reasons.