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Psychology and Free Speech

There are no good alternatives to free expression, write Wendy M. Williams and Stephen J. Ceci, who draw on their recent research on bias and reasoning to suggest paths forward for higher education.

Uncovering Koch Role in Faculty Hires

George Mason says some of its past donor agreements with Charles Koch Foundation have afforded the organization a say in faculty appointments, in violation of the norms of academic freedom.

Passing on Koch

Montana State's Faculty Senate narrowly votes down proposed economics research center to be funded by an active Charles Koch Foundation grant.

Professors Back Free Speech

Survey finds strong faculty support for free expression on campus, even for ideas some would consider offensive.

Protected Speech, a 'Perfect' Political Target

Randa Jarrar's case at Cal State Fresno has attracted national attention, much of it arguably undue. Will she be punished? It's hard to say, given academe's unpredictable track record on discipline for faculty social media snafus.

Cursing in Class

A New Jersey community college investigates a professor for cursing at conservative student who argued that men are sexually harassed, too.

Shouting Down Talk on Campus Free Speech

Speaker at CUNY law school interrupted repeatedly by those who said he shouldn't have been permitted there.

Confederate Sympathizer on Blast

Florida Atlantic professor faces opposition from students after his essays blaming "black supremacy" for slavery and generally defending the Confederacy surface.