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The Flag and Free Expression

University of Kansas removes art after governor finds it disrespectful. Was this about public safety or political sensibilities?

Divided Wisconsin Supreme Court Backs Marquette Faculty Blogger

Wisconsin Supreme Court sides with a Marquette professor in a widely followed case involving academic freedom and professional responsibilities toward students.

AAUP Censure for Nebraska

AAUP censures Nebraska-Lincoln for alleged violations of academic freedom in Courtney Lawton case. Iowa and Stillman removed from lists of sanctioned and censured institutions.

No Consensus on Free Speech

Discussions at AAUP annual meeting show range of views.

Bullying and Free Speech

Justice Department backs suit against University of Michigan rules -- on same day the university says it has "clarified" those rules.

No Pakistani Scholars Allowed

The Indian government is barring Pakistani scholars from participating in a conference in New Delhi co-sponsored by an American academic association.

Ready, Aim, FIRE!

Samantha Harris and Mary Zoeller respond to a recent essay criticizing the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

Defending Free Speech

Michael Poliakoff writes that many campuses deserve attention for failing to defend the values of free expression.