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Big Night for Boycott Movement

Anthropology professors vote overwhelmingly to back boycott of Israeli universities. Issue now goes to their association membership.

Settling With Salaita

U of Illinois settles with professor unhired for his controversial remarks on Twitter. He'll get cash but not the job he wanted.

Journalists as the Enemy

U of Missouri activists clash with student photographer, raising questions about protesters and free expression. And role of professor in blocking the student sets off large debate -- and she apologizes.

Another 'Heckler's Veto'

At U of Minnesota, protesters' interruptions delayed Israeli professor from talking. After three are arrested, they say their free speech rights were violated.

No Right to Complain

Federal appeals court finds memo from Georgia State psychologists criticizing management of counseling center had no First Amendment protection.

Ben Carson vs. 'Extreme Bias'

Leading GOP candidate in Iowa presidential race explains how he would have Education Department prevent "indoctrination," and cites the "stomping on Jesus" case as an example.

Uninvited to Williams

Alumni fund speakers who represent views that may make students uncomfortable. Did Suzanne Venker fit that category too well?

Ousted for CIA Role?

Former instructor says Gannon U demanded he quit after Newsweek wrote about his role as interrogation expert in Iraq.