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Historians Reject Measure Criticizing Israel

Scholars question idea that one country should be "singled out."

Limit on Free Speech

Appeals court rules U of Hawaii was justified in denying student teaching experience to man who was qualified academically but whose statements about adult-child sex and students with disabilities alarmed professors.

Turkey's Take Back

The Institute of Turkish Studies has been accused of pushing the Turkish state's agenda on the Armenian genocide. Now the Turkish government has withdrawn its funding. Why?

Donor With Opinions

Irvine faculty members and students question idea of professorships endowed by foundation that wants to change scholarly study of Hinduism -- and to influence search process for hires.

Mandatory Drug Testing Upheld

Federal appeals court permits a Missouri technical college to monitor all students, not just those in selected programs.

University Moves to Fire Sandy Hook Denier

Florida Atlantic acts after parents of a boy killed in the Newtown, Conn., tragedy accuse institution of ignoring damage caused by a conspiracy theorist on its faculty.

Tenure or Bust

Nearly 90 percent of professors at U of Wisconsin System would consider leaving state if tenure were abolished, and majority say it would limit scholarly inquiry, according the results of controversial survey.

Resignation at Yale

Woman who sent controversial email about Halloween costumes -- and faced uproar over it -- decides to stop teaching at Yale University.