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Banking on the Curriculum

New paper details extent of a grant program that linked funds to courses that were required to teach Ayn Rand.

Academic Freedom Fail

Board chair of U of British Columbia resigns as the university releases an investigative report into "a cascading series of events" triggered by his phone call to a faculty member.

Race and Slurs in the Classroom

A professor at Mount Holyoke asked his students to name slurs that might have been used against groups of which they are members. The college helped seven students switch sections, but now one student has gone public with the incident.

To Sign, or Not to Sign?

In light of a recent high-profile faculty resignation at Phoenix College, some are asking why other professors asked to sign loyalty oaths don't object.

A Suppression Campaign?

Two new reports raise concerns about attempts “to silence advocacy for Palestinian rights” on campuses.

Novelist Quits Teaching Job Over Loyalty Oath

Arizona is surprised to find out it still requires professors to sign a statement that was common in McCarthy era. And a community college loses an adjunct who was its star professor.

Exposing White Privilege

Graduate student who placed "White Only" signs on SUNY Buffalo campus explains her intent -- and renews the debate over her art.

Fired for Being Profane

AAUP alleges violations of academic freedom, due process in new report about tenured professor who was terminated by Louisiana State U for using inappropriate language.