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The Right to Write History

Japanese and American professors clash over a textbook's depiction of the Japanese government's involvement in a system of sexual slavery during World War II.

On Student Academic Freedom

Student movements offer countless opportunities for students -- as well as their teachers -- to learn, writes Henry Reichman.

Confronting Controversy

Colleges should nurture thoughtful debate on their campuses by establishing a designated physical space for planned discussions, led by students, about controversial topics, writes Zachary R. Wood.

Trigger Warning Skepticism

Survey of literature and arts professors finds 60 percent see the practice as harmful to academic freedom -- although many favor general descriptions on a syllabus, even as they avoid labeling particular works.

Taking a Stand for Free Speech

Dozens of Yale faculty members issue open letter decrying substance and tone of recent discussions of a controversial email -- and urging civil discussions of difficult issues.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Another Association Backs Israel Boycott

The National Women's Studies Association becomes the latest scholarly group to join the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.

A Class Implodes Over Race

Kansas professor is on leave after students complain over her use of n-word and her statements on retention. Situation is latest to raise issues of racial sensitivity and academic freedom.

A Political Stance

Members of the Middle East Studies Association discuss whether they too should take a collective position on the boycott of Israeli universities.