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What the Fisher Conversation Should Really Be About

As the Supreme Court begins to hear arguments about the right of colleges to consider race in admissions, it will be important for institutions to show the value of the holistic review process, argues Terri Taylor.

Escalating Demands

The number and complexity of students' demands of administrations is going up -- and some of the items deal with issues typically left to faculty governance.

New Job, Old Habits

When professors leave one job due to sexual harassment allegations, they can land new jobs and repeat the behavior elsewhere, a recent case involving the University of Delaware and San Diego State University suggests.

Graduation Rates Rise, for Some

Education Trust study finds as institutions' completion rates rise generally, minority students sometimes fall farther behind.

Race on Campus: The Latest

Threat against black students at Kean turns out to have been hoax; Harvard drops use of title "master" for leaders of residential colleges; 12-day Brandeis sit-in ends; a Kentucky legend defends mural that was covered up.

Demanding 10 Percent

Student protesters on a number of campuses want to see many more black faculty members. But how realistic are some of their goals?

More Complaints Than Findings

Education Department has received more than 1,000 filings on racial harassment in higher ed in last seven years. But only a fraction result in any findings.

Jefferson Is Next Target

At University of Missouri and William & Mary, some place notes on statues honoring the author of Declaration of Independence, calling him a rapist and a racist.