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A Class Implodes Over Race

Kansas professor is on leave after students complain over her use of n-word and her statements on retention. Situation is latest to raise issues of racial sensitivity and academic freedom.

Responses on Race

1,000 complaints to U.S. Education Department in seven years; Brown releases $100 million plan to promote inclusiveness; Occidental sit-in ends after six days.

Collaboration or Merger?

Maryland officials call a proposal to merge a commuter institution with a HBCU a "far-reaching, risky scheme," arguing instead that joint degree programs can better end decades of racial inequity among the state's public colleges.

Who Gets to Organize a Protest?

Demonstrations against racism at two universities were canceled after black students complained about the rallies being organized without their involvement.

Race Matters

Princeton agrees to consider changing role of Woodrow Wilson name on campus; white student union surfaces (online) at Illinois; black ministers want Kean president to quit; Smith students exclude journalists; Towson president signs list of demands; and more.

Shutting Out Women's Centers

Women's studies scholars object to professional association's new stance on representation from women's centers workers.

History, Words, Race

Princeton becomes flash point in campus protests as students demand end to links to Woodrow Wilson. The same day, institution ends the use of "master" to describe leaders of residential colleges.

Not a Spectator Sport

Campus protests over race and diversity have created a tipping point where all boards must step up to partner in leadership with the president, write Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower.