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Whites, Asians Need Not Apply

Many colleges want more ethnically and racially diverse faculty members. But should searches be limited to underrepresented groups? One university just tried.

Invisible Labor

Eric Joy Denise discusses the exploitation of scholars of color in academe.

Stricter Rules on Sexuality

As a few Christian colleges move to accept gay and lesbian employees, Biola U adds wording to its policies strengthening its opposition.

BDS and Campus Politics: A Bad Romance

People on campuses should strive to establish a new narrative that emphasizes democratic participation and civil rights, tolerance, and freedom of expression, argues Mark Yudof.

Race on Campus: The Latest

Protest forces a board meeting to move; physicists challenge chief justice; a clothing company offers sweatshirts imagining colleges named for black leaders; medical students join protest movement; university bans Confederate flags and swastikas.

How Racial Preferences in Admissions Will End

In the Fisher v. University of Texas case before the U.S. Supreme Court, the university will lose, argues Roger Clegg.

The Justices' Questions on Affirmative Action

At Supreme Court hearing on case that could alter college admissions, no big surprises but lots of contentious exchanges -- and anger over Scalia's comments.

Paying to Ignore Racism

Administrators at colleges and universities should stop spending enormous sums to remain in denial about their institutions' problems, writes Shaun R. Harper.