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The Alumni Question

As colleges grapple with issues of race and diversity, they face questions from alumni and donors -- not all of whom are pleased with new campus efforts.

Holiday Guidance Removed

U of Tennessee responds to intense criticism of its advice -- and of its diversity efforts.

High and Long-Term Stakes

What may be hanging in the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on Fisher is the ability of colleges to ensure a racially diverse student body and, just as critically, to build a diverse faculty, argue Peter McDonough and Lorelle L. Espinosa.

War on Christmas: The Prequel

Early campaigns to abolish the holiday form a largely forgotten chapter in American history, writes Scott McLemee.

Race on Campus: The Latest

U of Maryland will rename stadium that honored longtime (and strongly racist) president; black professor at MassArt describes being detained by police officers; object on Illinois quad creates concerns for black students; new demands for change at Harvard Law.


Many student groups are changing their names to use "Latinx" instead of "Latino" and "Latina."

War on Christmas? On Inclusivity?

U of Tennessee's advice on holiday parties sets off major political debate in the state, and criticism is spreading to other institutions. Some see a broader attack on diversity efforts.

Resignation at Yale

Woman who sent controversial email about Halloween costumes -- and faced uproar over it -- decides to stop teaching at Yale University.