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OCR Tells Med School to Stop Considering Race in Admissions

Move involving Texas Tech health sciencies center follows investigation over whether university has been considering race-neutral alternatives.

Entering Campus Building While Black

Barnard places on leave campus safety officers and a supervisor involved in incident with black student that many are calling racial profiling.

Georgetown Students Vote to Pay Reparations

Students back measure to each pay $27.20 a semester. University isn't saying whether it will adopt the idea.

Anger Over N-Word at American U

A video of a student using the slur has angered the campus that has seen many other racial incidents in recent years.

Promises Ignored?

Yale has pledged millions for faculty diversity, but 13 professors who teach in its ethnicity, race and migration studies program say they'll walk if they don't get the resources and autonomy they've been promised.

Harvard's Admitted Class Has Record Share of Asian Americans

Gains have been steady over a decade, but increase is large this year as federal judge considers lawsuit over affirmative action.

Tensions Over International Students

Professor at Maryland who allegedly accused all Chinese students of cheating resigns, the latest in a series of incidents involving tensions between faculty and international students.

Harvard Sued Over 19th-Century Biologist's Racism

Lawsuit says the university is inappropriately earning money from the earliest images of slaves -- commissioned by Louis Agassiz -- and failing to recognize his legacy of racism.