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A photo illustration with a photo of Columbia University's campus on the left and a photo of Professor Katherine Franke on the right. Over the photo of the campus is a quote from the complaint against Franke.

Columbia’s President Denounced Her Before Congress. Firing Could Be Next.

Law professor Katherine Franke has long been outspoken in her support of Palestinians. Now, after House Republicans and her university president called her out in an antisemitism hearing, she faces potential termination.

California state lawmakers and Sacramento State leaders smile for a photo in the state Capitol.

Listen: Celebrating Black Student Success and Achievement

In the latest Voices of Student Success episode, learn more about Sacramento State’s establishment of a Black Honors College and a statewide bill to recognize California institutions that help Black students achieve.

Facade of U.S. Supreme Court with a red-colored filter applied.

The Dangers of Distractions in Post–Affirmative Action Admissions

Shaun Harper and Julie Posselt write that many other issues have competed for attention in the year since the Supreme Court struck down race-conscious admissions.

Man reading law book

Law School Accreditor Rewriting Diversity and Inclusion Standard

A group of Republican attorneys general says the revised standard would violate the Supreme Court’s ban on race-conscious admissions. Critics say the AGs are “willfully misinterpreting the law.”


More Than Whiteness

What it means to be Irish in America.

USC Postdoctoral Scholars Unionize

University of Southern California postdoctoral scholars have “resoundingly” voted to unionize, the new union announced Monday. The vote, held Thursday...
An image of a page of the RE-Center report ripped into pieces.

No-Confidence Votes for College Leaders Who Hid Negative DEI Report

Greenfield Community College leaders prematurely ended a partnership with a DEI consulting firm that issued a highly critical report. Employees are outraged. 

A photo illustration including a photograph of Charles J. (Chuck) Cooper with text from the Stop WOKE Act superimposed over his face.

Florida Argues It Could Stop Professors From Criticizing Governor

A nationally prominent conservative lawyer, hired to defend the state’s Stop WOKE Act, asserted that what public university professors say in classrooms “is the government’s speech.” The national implications for academic freedom could be dire.