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Hate Incidents on Campus Still Rising

Results of a new survey show that administrators are still reporting incidents targeting minority students.

Next on College Completion Agenda: Equity

Community colleges are realizing that addressing racial and income equity are the missing pieces to improving completion rates. And Achieving the Dream wants to help them eliminate that inequity.

Still Taking a Knee Against Racism

Athletes and activists who modeled themselves off Colin Kaepernick have continued their campaigns.

‘Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?’

Dickinson student's essay sets off intense debate there and elsewhere about who dominates classroom discussions. While piece has been pummeled in conservative blogosphere, issues related to who speaks in class concern many in academe.

Closing Arguments in the Harvard Case

Lawyers defending and opposing affirmative action make their final pitches to judge in case that could have major impact on higher education. The debate on personal ratings of Asian American applicants could be crucial.

When a Student Says It's 'Easier' Not to Have Black People in Class

A student's email stuns NYU's social work school, which admits that the incident reflects institutional racism.

When an Alumnus With a Mike Says Something Offensive

Cornell officials acted instantly when an honoree at an event used the word "Negro." Many present were upset but praised the university for not ignoring what happened.

About (Black) Face

The racism of old yearbooks at the University of Richmond is real and still creates pain, writes Eric Joy Denise. But the university is studying and learning from the bigotry of its past.