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Cellular Protein Production

Our understanding of how cells function is growing every day. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical...

Martian Minerals and Microbes

In today's Academic Minute, Australian National University's Robert Burne discusses his study of stevensite, a mineral found on both Mars...

Fractal Psychological Processes

Fractals are naturally occurring patterns that replicate in a self-similar manner. In today's Academic Minute, Chapman University's David Pincus explains...

Family Businesses

In today's Academic Minute, Concordia University's Peter Jaskiewicz discusses how tightly held family businesses -- which often fill leadership jobs...

The Psychology of Optimism

Some people are inherently pessimistic. Others tend to focus on the positive and maintain a sunny optimism. In today's Academic...

Contagious Yawns

Yawns are something of a physiological mystery. In today's Academic Minute, Duke University's Elizabeth Cirulli attempts to unravel the confusion...

The Effect of Names

In today's Academic Minute, the University of Toronto Scarborough's Sam Maglio explains why names, specifically how names sound, have great...

Improved Autopilot Technology

In today's Academic Minute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Carlos A. Varela discusses his research that aims to improve auto-pilot technology so...