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Parental Involvement in Early Education

Eager parents looking to aid their children’s education might take a hard look at their methodologies. In today's Academic Minute...

Studying Spider Fossils

In today's Academic Minute, the University of Kansas' Paul Selden discusses his survey of spider fossils that is helping piece...

Early Athleticism

Playing a high school sport is a great start to a long, healthy life. In today's Academic Minute, Cornell University's...

Mass Extinctions

Looking back through geologic time is possible when you know what to look for. In today's Academic Minute, Curtin University's...

Wedding “Pictures”

Portrayals of weddings and brides make for good television programming. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Nevada at Las...

Cocoa Power

Sure, chocolate is delicious, but the main ingredient offers us many health benefits as well. In today's Academic Minute, Louisiana...

Cryptographic Key Security

Every day, new reports emerge of identity theft and other security breaches. In today's Academic Minute, the National University of...

Rescue Karyotyping

A process known as rescue karyotyping is allowing doctors to look back into the genetic history of a miscarriage. In...