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Chibuku and African Beer Consumption

The consumption of alcohol on the continent of Africa ranks among the lowest globally, but this trend is rapidly changing...

Reservoirs of Magma

The typical Hollywood depiction of a volcano might be visually stunning, but it’s not very accurate. In today's Academic Minute...

Facebook and Eating Disorders

A lot is being written about the psychological effects of social media. In today's Academic Minute, Florida State University's Pamela...

Flourishing Despite Climate Change

Naturally, species react differently to climate change. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Michigan's Mark Hunter discusses his observations...

Microbiota of the Hadza Tribe

The old saying goes: you are what you eat -- which appears to carry through into the microbial content of...

Lyme Disease and an Unlikely Relationship

In today's Academic Minute, Sarah Lawrence College's Michelle Hersh discusses the unlikely relationship between ticks and white-footed mice -- though...

The Language of Reviews

Reading online reviews of a restaurant before heading out for a meal is commonplace in today’s digital world. In today's...

Solar Efficiency

Harnessing the full potential of solar power might indeed solve the world’s ongoing energy crisis -- but this is much...