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The International Graduate Student: First Steps

Tips for getting oriented as an international student

Split Grades

Looking for answers from wise and worldly readers.

Great Expectations

Jo Guldi learns a lesson from students who embrace the challenge of high academic standards.

The Evolving Role of the University Registrar

Matthew Pittinsky explores what the rise of academic computing teaches us about a 500-year-old position that could increasingly transform higher education.

Getting Athletics off the Bench in Your Marketing

From D1 to D3, athletic programs drive a lot of interest in colleges and universities. Embrace it, and find ways to let athletics showcase your institutional brand.

Elevator Pitch for a Book-Centric Platform for Higher Ed

An idea for a place for academic authors and higher ed readers.

Bundling is Back

Left for dead during the MOOC craze, bundling is back.

Ethical College Admissions: VIPs

Just what was being bought at the University of Southern California, asks Jim Jump.