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10 Questions for Evangeline Tsibris Cummings, Assistant Provost and Director of UF Online

A long read interview on widening participation via hybrid digital pathways at the University of Florida

The Cautionary Tale of 'Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber’

The many ways in which we must fight against the Uberization of higher ed.

Summer Lessons

Writers share lessons learned for managing expectations for next summer.

That’s Sorted

Information gerrymandering makes us all less likely to compromise – and that’s not good for democracy.

It Isn’t the Cost of College That’s the Problem: It’s the Price

There’s often a huge difference between the two figures. That’s finally starting to change.

For Work-Life Balance, Loaf and Invite the Soul

Zachary Michael Jack remembers a colleague who taught him life lessons that were as valuable -- and then some -- as the merely strategic advice of how to impress superiors, win tenure and climb the academic ladder.

We Need to Talk About Authorship Abuse

The academic community must move beyond compliance with standards and toward the cultivation of a greater sense of ethical responsibility, argue A. Susan Jurow and Jordan Jurow.