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Our Chance to Break from Convention

To produce more graduates in tech fields, colleges must change how they think about educational delivery and the faculty role.

The book jacket for Chip Colwell's "So Much Stuff: How Humans Discovered Tools, Invented Meaning, and Made More of Everything."

We Are All Hoarders Now

Scott McLemee reviews Chip Colwell’s So Much Stuff.

Concept of using artificial intelligence in teaching shown with various students at computers looking at a huge robot emerging from a particularly large one

Indecision About AI in Classes Is So Last Week

Professors and administrators from five major public universities provide advice on how to get moving ahead with AI in the classroom right now.

3 Questions on Higher Ed’s Past and Future for Yale’s Charles Bailyn

A conversation on university change with a professor who graduated in 1981 from where he teaches today.

A birthday cake with candles reading "Happy Birthday."

Happy (?) First Birthday to ChatGPT

ChatGPT has introduced new tensions to professors’ dual roles as educators and assessors, Jeremy Davis writes.

Are Adult Students Obtaining Bachelor’s Degrees After Transferring?

Study findings suggest no difference in the likelihood of graduating between nontraditional-aged or first-generation community college transfer students.

People carrying books and bags and coming in different directions yet all moving toward the same door

Reconfiguring the Ph.D.

William Acree describes his university’s attempt to introduce a new, highly transdisciplinary cohort model for incoming graduate students.

The New Nonprofits

How best to prepare majors in the humanities and “soft” social sciences for this rapidly growing sector of employment.