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3 Questions for the Authors of ‘Going Alt-Ac’

A discussion about a book that every alternative academic will want to read.

5 Principles as Pathways to Inclusive Teaching

Soulaymane Kachani, Catherine Ross and Amanda Irvin offer concrete strategies that are guided by research to use in the classroom.

We Wrote a Book

Six questions about Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education.

What Took the Place of Western Civ?

What appeared during the 1980s to be an invigorating and just revision of a narrow curriculum has turned out to be no curriculum at all, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Preparing for Interviews

Strategies to set yourself up for success.

Don’t Stay in Your Lane

Make decisions that open up the most future pathways.

The Importance of Strategic Alliances

Partnerships are available all across campus that can help us be better educators and more thoughtful and well-informed campus citizens, write Carolyn Dever and George Justice.