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Alt-Acs, the Great Google Revolt and the Value of Academic Freedom

In an age of adjunctification, is it even possible to discuss extending the protections of academic freedom to alternative academics?

Going Rogue

Can you reject your profs’ opinions and still expect to be welcomed into the academy?

Beyond the Discussion Board

Better ways to embed dialogue and interaction into asynchronous online classes.

Simple Fixes for Income-Driven Repayment

Income-driven repayment plans are a crucial safety net for student loan borrowers, but they include well-known design flaws. Jessica Thompson and Michele Streeter write about bipartisan solutions to improve the plans.

Developing Grad Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills

Mentors can use a number of pedagogical techniques, and recent developments in the realm of scientific publication have provided new opportunities, writes David A. Sanders.

Living Your School’s Brand Across the Campus: An Open Letter to Chief Financial Officers

The student-recruitment gloves are off in the wake of DOJ-mandated changes to NACAC’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.

Let's Stop Kicking the Can

Why Bloomberg's higher ed proposals only prolong the inevitable reckoning.