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What I Learned From My Term as Acting President

Hugh Porter shares his perspective and provides advice for both advancement officers and new presidents.

Ethical College Admissions: Restricting Applications

Despite the frustrations created by students who apply to too many colleges, high schools shouldn't limit applications, writes Jim Jump.

Helping Those With Disabilities Navigate Job Transitions

Early-career professionals with disabilities face distinct challenges in identifying positions, interviewing and networking, among many other things, write Brian J. Rybarczyk and Allison Gose.

Foreign Gifts to U.S. Colleges and Universities: Why They Matter

The generosity of donors who are not even resident in this country yet who choose to support our colleges and universities should be celebrated, argues Sue Cunningham.

Safeguarding Research on Campuses Against Foreign Threats

There's an urgent need for increasing and maintaining good security policies and practices, writes Ted Mitchell, who recommends some immediate actions to take.