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‘Based on a Real Story’

The pros and cons of learning about history from biopics.

Two faces with the tops of their heads open face each other; in one open head, a man stands and pours from a watering can into the other, out of which grows a plant with a lightbulb on top

A Neglected Aspect of Good Teaching

Beyond pedagogy, college instructors must consider their mind-set, or character, write Roel Snieder, Cortney Holles, Cynthia James and Qin Zhu.

A student and professor sit at opposite sides of a classroom desk, with laptop open.

Guiding Growth: Crafting Feedback That Empowers Learners

With fairness and equity in mind, professors should provide both constructive student feedback and insights on what they’re doing well academically.

3 Questions for Presidential Candidate Jason Palmer

A conversation with the ed-tech entrepreneur and former Gates Foundation postsecondary deputy director.

Harvard president Claudine Gay, seated at a witness table in the foreground, at a Dec. 5 congressional hearing on antisemitism on campuses. Behind her former University of Pennsylvania president Elizabeth Magill can be clearly seen.

Congresswoman, Have You No Shame?

The congressional hearing on antisemitism showed why universities should adopt a stance of principled neutrality, John Tomasi writes.

Three men push against a wall-like barrier

Supporting First-Year Doctoral Students

Zora M. Wolfe, Katia Ciampa and Ashley DiRienzo share three ways to help remove some of the barriers students seeking Ph.D.s confront.

Marc Rowan, a white man with dark hair, seated, in front of a blue wall that bears the name of the event, the Forbes Iconoclast Summit.

It’s Not Donor Control: It’s Donor Activism

Withholding funds over antisemitism worries is a form of activism in line with higher ed’s mission, Noah D. Drezner writes.