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Laying the Foundation for a Resilient Teaching Community

A guest post by Michigan’s Rebecca Quintana and James DeVaney.

When Will It Be OK to Push Non-COVID-19 News?

Tips for communicators struggling to balance pandemic communications with other institutional news.

Memoirs Are Made of This

The pandemic has offered a perfect, organic opportunity to give students the time and purpose to reflect on and appreciate the history they’re living, writes Marc Muneal.

The Physically Distanced Classroom: A Day in the Life

As some campuses plan for students’ physical return this fall, Norman Clark imagines how a student might navigate a day in class. It isn't pretty.

The Moral Trade-Off of Endowment Spending

As the coronavirus has sent many universities into budget crises, Benjamin Bernard asks whether or not endowments should become welcome shelters from the storm.

Surviving the Pandemic: Suggestions for Liberal Arts Colleges

Such institutions should be thinking more about how to authentically market what they offer and to deliver on what they already do best, writes Helene Meyers.