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Are You a Victim of Zoom Fatigue?

Are you Zooming through your days in discomfort and not liking what you see on the screen?

Equitable Exams During COVID-19

Pamela Chui Kadakia and Allan A. Bradshaw offer some approaches to consider in light of the sudden changes this spring as instructors begin to design, administer and score final assessments.

The Elephant in the (Zoom) Room

The current pandemic brings home that higher education must be organized around meaningful and humane student learning experiences, write members of the TPHE Collective.

Inadvertent Homeschooling

In which The Girl gets me started on the election of 1912 …

A Plan for Resisting Zoombombing

Carlton E. Green provides advice for how to best respond to an incident and care for the people who have been impacted.

What Higher Education Can Learn From the NFL Draft

Embrace the camera and entertain your students (in your sweatpants).

More Than a Lifeline

Technology can no longer be seen as a utility working in the background, writes John O’Brien. It’s a strategic asset that’s vital to every institution’s success.