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AI in Context

The law, policy and politics of AI.

The book cover for Derek Bok's Attacking the Elites.

Can Higher Ed Avoid a Dire Future?

David Wippman and Glenn Altschuler review Derek Bok’s Attacking the Elites.

The Resurgence of Anarchism

Is anarchism the future of the cultural left?

Accepted with an asterisk written in white letters on a black background

Hold Steady or Issue an Exit Ticket?

Annice E. Fisher offers advice on successfully navigating the challenges of leading social change as Black women in higher education.

Learning in a Time of Abundance

Q&A with Dave Cormier on his fascinating new book.

The typed words "Union Power" sit, collage-style, atop a pile of $100 bills.

Pro-Union Is Pro-Student

Improving working conditions for non-tenure-track faculty is what’s best for students, Anna Harrison writes.

What It Means to Be Orphaned

In the end, we are all orphans of the storm.