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Representative Mitchell's Last Wish

To the editor: While we know from Ruth Bader Ginsburg's experience that a deathbed wish carries no more weight than...

Vitriol Aimed at Communicators Is Misplaced

Increasingly, outrage over institutional decisions is directed at social media teams and communications staff. The cycle needs to stop.


Laws that weren’t written with contagion in mind.

A Professor’s Lessons From Running for Public Office

Cynthia Richards found it meant representing higher education in venues where she was as likely to be confronted with anger, despair or even an AR-15 as with a pen and a notebook.

Where Are the Presidents?

Commercialism and college sports are on trial, yet, for the most part, higher education leaders have been conspicuously silent, argues John Thelin.

‘The Next Shift’: From Manufacturing to Meds (and Eds)

How Pittsburgh went from a steel town to a health-care mecca.

Higher Education’s False Promise

What should we do about the educated underemployed?

Brand Sensitivity and Student Choice

Enrollment marketers must avoid their institution becoming the Xerox machine of a virtual world.