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A Disturbing Pattern

Inadequately citing or entirely omitting the scholarship of women and people of color reflects the larger problem of entrenched marginalization in the academy, write 12 women scholars.

Cross-Sector Collaboration to Improve Transfer in Texas

Within Texas’s complex higher education landscape, helping transfer students succeed requires alliances grounded in cross-sector relationships, data, and putting equity at the center of policy and practice.

A Crash Course in Career Development

Universities must do a better job helping Ph.D.s find their first nonfaculty job and obtain the skills they need to transition into a variety of meaningful, well-paying careers, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

Simple Rhetoric, Complicated Realities

What may be surprising is that the occupied regions of the West Bank and Gaza have become home to a vibrant, albeit struggling, network of postsecondary institutions, writes Michael Feuer.

Thoughts on Hiring

A philosophical question and a helpful tip.

Flawed Assumptions About Retirement Savings for Grad Students

Yes, grad students should save for retirement, but let's get the math right on how much they can earn from Roth IRAs.

Updating the Trigger Warning in Contentious Times

With sexual assaults, racism and anxiety spiraling on college campuses, such warnings are needed now more than ever, argues Michael Bugeja.

Demise of the Baccalaureate Degree

Overpriced, outdated and no longer required by an increasing number of employers, is the baccalaureate in a death spiral?