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Readers Respond With Useful Professional Development

Concrete examples of useful in-house professional development, via my wise and worldly readers.

Recognizing Core Capacities When We See Them

Supporting teaching and learning in the 21st-century university.

Graduate Student Parents Are Having a Moment

Liz Perry describes her experiences and offers suggestions for successfully performing the balancing act.

The Trouble With Mandates

Vaccines are not the only solution. It’s time for bold higher education leadership in the face of COVID-19, writes Tim Collins.

The Transfer Student Leadership Maze

For the first time in its history, the University of California’s student regents were transfers.

The Limitations of FIRE’s Database

Stop passing around numbers like they reflect a gospel. The meaning is in the qualitative data the database gives access to.

Inflating Grades vs. Enhancing Performance

While long resisting grade inflation, Michael S. Berger found that without the normal in-person teaching to help motivate students during COVID, they struggled to meet the rigor he demanded.