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Helping Students Become Better Writers

Are cognitive science and psycholinguistics better guides to writing than Strunk and White?

A Welcome-Back Newsletter From Your President

With tongue in cheek, Christina Wyman shares a campus leader’s plans for the year ahead -- and especially for this implicit bias module season.

Shared Governance Within the Autocratic Academy

Has the pandemic shown us how and why shared governance is fatally flawed? Timothy Kaufman-Osborn explores the answer to that question.

Friday Fragments

Lessons of history, lessons of rivalry and lessons of babysitting.

How Do You Know What to Run Toward?

A follow-up to a previous attempt at advice.

How to Raise Your Leadership EQ

Jacob J. Ryder, Nicolas C. Burbules, BrandE Faupell and C. K. Gunsalus offer advice to academics for enhancing the vital quality of emotional intelligence in their work groups.