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When Will the Library Be Open?

David Banush explores how, with climate change and operational disruptions, answering that question going forward will require embracing an even more diffuse definition of the research library.

Old Wine in a New Bottle

Reflections on the proposed University of Austin.

Resisting the Panopticon

It’s fine for faculty to choose to record lectures for students, but systems more or less foisted on them from the top down pose serious threats to academic freedom, argues Michael Schwalbe.

Friday Fragments

UATX misses the point, readers respond on Twitter tips and helping a friend land a job.

Spring Forward

Scott McLemee offers a preview of next spring’s university press offerings.

Applying an Equity Lens to COVID Impact Statements

Documenting the pandemic’s effect, especially on women faculty and those of color, is vital, write Donna Riley and Mangala Subramaniam, who offer advice on how to assess such statements.

In-Between Times

Adjusting to a new COVID normal.