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Moving From Random to Intentional Acts of Dual Credit

Integrating transfer and technology to scale opportunities for Indiana high school students to earn postsecondary certificates.

Reimagining Community Engagement for a Post-COVID World

Evolving approaches are more necessary than ever, writes Vicki L. Baker, who offers four lessons that colleges should consider in developing these partnerships and programs.
Man sits at desk and behind him one sees a huge shadow of him with a long pointed nose

7 Hard Truths and a Few Lies

Jennifer Snodgrass shares some of the negative realities of academic life that people often avoid discussing, while offering some advice for dealing with them along the way.

Higher Ed, From Static to Dynamic

The numbers paint a clear picture of change in demand for higher education. Still unclear is if colleges will adapt from static schools to dynamic institutions in time to survive and thrive.

Scenes From a Labor Market

It will only get worse if we don’t fund training better.

A Giving Pledge for Rural Public Universities

Private donors could do a lot to help such institutions and the students whose lives they transform, writes Stan Spilecki.

How Learning Feels Now

Christopher Schaberg and his students sketch a portrait of the college classroom after months of COVID.

Work Around Lives vs. Lives Around Work

The possibility of a positive academic workplace post-pandemic future—for some.