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Good Frugal and Bad Frugal

When purchasing deadlines hit supply chain issues.

About to Take a Job You Don’t Really Like?

Irina Filonova advises what you should do instead—before too much damage is done.

A Partial Lottery for More Equity

The most competitive colleges would benefit if they admitted some students largely by chance, writes Daniel R. Schwarz.

Dos and Don’ts for Recruiting Diverse Students

Kerri Shook shares lessons from her research into student perceptions of institutional efforts to recruit racially and ethnically diverse students.

Yale’s CTL Leadership

The importance of the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning.

Friday Fragments

Follow-up on early college, a surprise conversation on student loans and the last band concert.

‘A Philosopher Looks at Digital Communication’

Scott McLemee considers Onora O’Neill’s book A Philosopher Looks at Digital Communication.

Purdue Must Restore Its English Program

Lucinda Coulter writes that future engineers and scientists need a robust English department, too.