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Centering Discomfort

Drawing on her experiences as seemingly the only atheist in her undergraduate theology and philosophy classes, Mairead Carr writes about how we need to rethink the issue of censorship in college.

Tackling the Stack

As the academic year comes to an end, Daniel Cole offers some tips for how to grade student essays efficiently and with integrity.

2 Reasons Why Graduate School Student Debt Will Go Down

A prediction inspired by Dean Dad writing about a Vox article on inflation.

You’re a Professor, Not an Oracle

Recognizing the boundaries of academic freedom is important to protecting it, Inara Scott writes.

Professors, Stop Telling Your Students Not to Get Ph.D.s

You may inadvertently discourage students from marginalized backgrounds, for whom it may be the perfect path—and who most need your help simply to navigate the process, argues Karly Ball.

Waiving Fees and Other Measures to Improve College Access

Institutions need to continue to waive fees and implement cost-saving measures for students post-COVID, writes Provost Denise Runge.