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'Call Me Phil'

I’m Phil Dolly, Ed. D. Recently resigned, or deposed, community college president. Yesterday I was the CEO at North East...

Thoughts on San Antonio

This story in IHE is somehow both shocking and unsurprising. Apparently, San Antonio College has a policy stating that anybody...

Comparing apples to air compressors

Much of my life, this week, is focused on finalizing Greenback U's greenhouse gas inventory as it's going to be...

The Wrong Idea on the Drinking Problem

Colleges need to do much more than talk about the drinking age -- especially given evidence that the law may be reducing fatalities -- writes Jonathan Gibralter.

Class Shopping

I've never found an elegant way around the add/drop period. This is the time of the semester when late-adding students...

Motherhood After Tenure: the Sabbatical Begins

This is the second week of my sabbatical and already I have a sinking feeling that I’m not accomplishing enough...

ABCs and PhDs: Saving Our Woods

The patch of woods outside my front door is in trouble. After we moved into our neighborhood four years ago...

Prospero's Island?

We reached the island on the morning of Labor Day, as the last of the vacationers were closing up their...