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Past Non-Practice

"Past practice" is a magical, if murky, phrase. It's the status given, by default, to policies or practices carried out...

Tripping more sustainably

Living on a farm, I don't travel all that much. The place doesn't take care of itself, and the schedule...

ABCs and PhDs: Blog Soup

Liz arrived on the ferry with her family last night. Remember when we talked about summer camp for biologists? So...

Poli Sci Fi

The presidential campaigns are running themselves into the ground. Scott McLemee thinks space is the place....

Welcoming a New Provost, in 3 Months or Less

Albert DeCiccio and Karen Gross offer advice on how to enable change -- and escape catastrophe -- in inculcating a chief academic officer.

Committee Creep

This probably happens almost everywhere, but I'm noticing it more here lately. Committees are supposed to come in two flavors...

Mothering at Mid-Career: It's always something

I had half a blog post written on how I used to find time to exercise, but don't anymore, and...


Actual conversation with The Girl last Friday: TG: What did you do at work today, Daddy? DD: It was pretty...