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A Crowning Indignity

Once at the core of their colleges, faculty members are being marginalized and increasingly ignored by their institutions and, now, by the federal government, Bernard Fryshman argues.

Ask the Administrator: What the Fish?

A new correspondent writes: After recently reading Stanley Fish's NY Times blog on education, I felt moved to write in...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Future Shock

This week I’m planning my summer class, ordering books and sketching out the syllabus. I’ve also just put in a...

What the Fish?

After recently reading Stanley Fish's NY Times blog on education, I felt moved to write in. I recently attended a talk about curriculum and program design where large university decided to roll out a new undergraduate program (let's call it "computer science lite") since enrollments were collapsing in a related discipline ("traditional computer science."). As part of the planning process at this university, the committee asked for consultations from professionals in the IT industry (and presumably other educators). The IT sector said that graduates were clearly weak in professional skills (defined to be skills such as communications, project management etc). Industry feedback seemingly played a major, possibly decisive, role in the design of this new undergraduate program. This focus on employer input as central strikes me as interesting and rather unusual in higher education.

First, you have to get to the dilemma

Michael Pollan pretty famously wrote The Omnivore's Dilemma; A Natural History of Four Meals. If you haven't read it, you...

We Need a Civilian GI Bill

The stimulus package offers an opportunity to provide student aid in a way that would also generate revenue and appeal to our national roots, writes Arthur Levine.

Career Coach: My Advisor Sucks; Advise A Social Scientist

Two questions today, one for me, one for the readers. Any advice if you have a crappy advisor? I am...

Ask the Administrator: Stereotypes of the For-Profit World

A new correspondent writes: After six years of teaching and academic administration at two proprietary schools (neither one being your...