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The Scholarship of Administration

Some of the toughest questions in higher education would benefit from true experiments -- complete with control groups -- writes Alexandra W. Logue.


More so than at any time in my memory, this downturn has brought plenty of discussion of furloughs as a...

Taking stock

It's now a year since I started this series of miscellaneous ramblings. At such times the mind reflects, and may...

The Pleasures of a Friday

I continue today to be educated in new ways to freeze to death in a Victorian house. Though the thermostat...

Teaching Teaching

U of All People upgrades its methods for preparing faculty members, and David Galef is there.

Efficiency and Mission

A few days ago we got word of the latest round of state funding cuts. I've literally lost track of...

Math Geek Mom: Utility Maximization

Several weeks ago, an article ran in Inside Higher Ed about the interest of many graduate students in jobs that...

The best idea yet for greening campus IT

When I do a sustainability audit for departments on campus, one of the things I look for is "converters" or...