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Good Enough

This month's Wired magazine has a great article by Robert Capps, "The Good Enough Revolution: When Chea p and Sim...

Edupunks and Credit Hours: Fumbling Towards a Theory

An alert reader sent me (last week) the link to this article about how the open-content movement will explode higher...


Any system that's only 11% efficient can be improved. According to an article in a recent issue of New Scientist...

Obama's Agenda for Black Colleges

President Obama recently chose John Silvanus Wilson Jr. to be the new director of the White House Initiative on Historically...

Ask the Administrator: Professional Development for Adjuncts

A new correspondent writes: What is your take on "professionalism" among adjunct faculty? Since there's so little money available for...

The Golden Rule for Ed Tech Vendors

In working with educational technology vendors I follow one cardinal rule: the person across the table could have been me...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Ready, Set…

I got back to the States just over a week ago. The next morning, my 12-year-old started a week-long day...

My Agenda

This Technology and Learning blog will ideally be a space for conversation and debate for those of us active in...