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Force Be With You

I’m tired but happy after my summer’s writing labor, feeling accomplished in the short interim before edits begin. It’s good...

Between Cultures

One of the goals for this blog is to provide a space where us learning designers, educational technologists, course designers...


When I read that Ian Hacking, a Canadian philosopher, had won a big prize - the Holberg, worth close to...

Museum Hopping

This summer we've made a point of taking the kids to every children's museum and science museum within a day's...

You learn what you eat

Interesting interview today on NPR's "Tell Me More". Two K-12 school food service directors talking about recent changes in menu...

ABC's and PhD's: Transitioning

As I have written about before, I am in a transition phase in my life. After intensively spending most of...

Office Space

Your boss wants to move you out of the perfect location for your work. C.K. Gunsalus reviews the situation -- and offers advice for managers.

Criminal Incompetence

A new book studies how criminals communicate with each other. Scott McLemee looks for career advice...