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Teaching After Midnight

A few hours ago, Wick Sloane taught his first section of an 11:45 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. course. He’s inspired by his students and community college – and mad as hell that no one seems to care about the nationwide conditions that make it impossible for so many students to find sections at the hours they need.

Too Much to Say? (II)

Peg Boyle Single wants to (briefly) discuss more issues raised by having too much material.

Library Design

The decision by Cushing Academy to move to a totally digital library environment has got me thinking about how a...

Math Geek Mom: Infinity and Aardvarks

Last week, my first grader came home with thoughts about math (I love it when she does that!) She said...

To The Girl

Yesterday we watched you climb on the bus for your first day of kindergarten. You bounded in so quickly I...

Planning not to change

I've been keeping a low profile for the past couple of weeks, because I've been involved with people from across...

Practicing Writing

Editor and writer Erika Dreifus has posted an interview with me that was originally in her monthly e-newsletter, The Practicing...

Long Distance Mom: Birth Control - Politics vs. Environment

Why is birth control an expensive, hot potato issue for the national health care debate and barely mentioned as an...