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Perspective and politics

This morning, I awoke to the voice of Steven Chu on NPR. I'll want to go back and listen to...


"Most frightening is the fact that Le may have been killed by someone who walks among us, considering the basement...

The To-Do List

In Part 2 of his essay, Robert Zemsky lays out the three big goals of serious higher ed reform: proving that students learn, bolstering pre-college preparation, and fixing financial dysfunction.

The Conference Scene

Eszter Hargittai considers where and when to take your work public.

Ask the Administrator: Activity Hour

A new correspondent writes: We just learned that our administration wants our spring schedule revised (campus-wide) to include a break...

Campus Blogging

A transformative step that learning technologists can participate in proposing, pushing, guiding, leading, managing and maintaining would be providing a...

Career Coach: More on Women, Majors and Careers

Two very intelligent and thoughtful responses to my previous post, on women and majors, caused me to reread the post...

Cheap, cheap

There are, I'm sure we can all agree, at least enough stories in the general media about how the economy's...