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On the morning of the day my father killed himself, I woke up from a dream in which I was...

Triple Whammy: Academic Moms of Color

A r ecent study of women with postgraduate degrees suggests that black women born after 1950 are increasingly likely —...

Food and Culture

I know a couple- or three-dozen writers well enough to know that none live by writing alone. (I don’t know...

Can We Discuss This (II)

Sometimes, everything goes wrong in a class discussion. Rob Weir has strategies to turn things around.

An Impossible Student

Teaching himself Russian gives Bob Blaisdell perspective on his students who are new to English.

Math Geek Mom: The Small Print

One of the first things I learned upon becoming a mom was that I needed to be much smarter than...

Dear Adobe....

I know that the higher education community is a priority for you. Your higher ed site is really nice. Many...

On Watching Five-Year-Olds Play Soccer

The Girl has spent the last several years watching her older brother play sports. She has played some in the...