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Hamster heat

A new, significant and potentially very useful report makes reference to an aquarium full of hamsters connected to rudimentary motors...

Wednesday Wonder-Cabinet

Gaze into your Internet box and behold the miscellany of oddities collected for you today: Here’s a little piece of...

ABC's and PhD's: Horsing around

My mom grew up on a ranch, and she made sure when my brother and I were old enough, we...

The King of Pompeii

Irving Kristol was the godfather of neoconservatism. Scott McLemee goes to the mattresses.

Interview Meals

Rebecca Aanerud and Jerry Baldasty explain what (not) to eat, and the nonculinary questions that should be your focus.

Scaling Up Fast

This September has been a lesson in what happens when you try to scale up really quickly, with less money...

High Risk / High Return

If the MacArthur Genius Program gave awards to institutions I'd be that Abilene Christian University would be a shoo-in. The...

A loss of faith?

Listening to NPR this morning, I heard a representative of the Bipartisan Policy Center (who? should I trust anyone whose...